Thursday, January 31, 2008


Well, it's been 2 weeks since our last appointment. And another 3 weeks till the next one. I've been pretty confident about this pregnancy since we hit week 12 but all of a sudden, I'm scared. I'm at that in-betwen stage the doctor told me about. Barely showing, unable to feel the baby move yet, but the symptoms have all but disappeared. It's scary to feel un-pregnant. I know it is normal to feel this way, she WARNED me about it so it sounds like everyone has this worry but it sure is an unsettling feeling. Let the countdown to the appointment begin. Oh! And, this next appointment we get another ultrasound so that should be fun! Mom and Chris will be there for this one. Mom hasn't seen the baby yet in person so I'm super excited about that. Our last ultrasound right before Christmas, Corrie came with Chris and I which was so cool. I missed out on her pregnancies because I was in NYC so it's really special to be able to share this with her. And we got the results of our screenings last Tuesday and all looks great so I'm really not sure why I'm so ancy! Hopefully I'll keep myself busy enough so that I keep my mind off that ticking clock!