Thursday, May 31, 2007


It's official. I've got a full blown case of pregnant brain. I can not be trusted to remember the most trivial of things. I put the dog in the crate, but forget to close it. We go to Home Depot to place an order and I give them not only the wrong address but the wrong phone number as well. And for the life of me, I could NOT remember what the correct ones were! Chris had to look in his cell to give them my phone number. I come home from work and forget to close the garage. Start cleaning the bathroom, get distracted and forget I was ever doing it until Chris goes in that room and wonders why its covered in windex that has yet to be wiped up. The list goes on and on and on. It's embarassing really. And making it increasingly hard to keep it from the folks at work. But no morning sickness yet so I think they still have no clue.......

9 weeks! - 2 more weeks till we get to see the doc!