Thursday, September 6, 2007

I'm annoying myself

So ever since the "incident" my cycle has been all screwy. TMI I'm sure. Last time it was 30 days ( I'm usually 28 days spot on) but this month, I'm on day 20 of this cycle and haven't ovulated yet. Well, my BBT hasn't risen I guess so I'm not sure if I've ovulated or not. It is so frustrating, I was looking forward to starting to try in just a few weeks but how things are going right now, THIS cycle could last another 2 weeks. Ugh. That would put our first attempt in early OCTOBER!!!! Time has never gone so slowly.

Then I start thinkin.......Hey! If I haven't ovulated yet...maybe we can still try THIS cycle. But yeah, hubby is totally sick and not pleased with me for being so selfish and wanting to make babies while he can't breathe. But I swear - since the "incident", my biological clock is ticking right in my ear.

Then I have the fear - what if I DON'T ovulate at all this cycle?? What does that mean?? See? I'm totally annoying myself.