Thursday, May 17, 2007

Technically speaking....

Week 7

The Baby:
Your embryo makes great strides in size this week, growing to between 0.44 inches and 0.52 inches from crown to rump by the end of the week, or about the size of a small raspberry. Leg buds are starting to look like short fins, and hands and feet have a digital plate where fingers and toes will develop. The heart and lungs are becoming more developed, as are the eyes and nostrils, intestines and appendix. By now the brain and spinal cord are growing from the neural tube.
The Mommy:
You're still not "showing," but by now you're really feeling the changes in your body. You still may be experiencing morning sickness and the other symptoms of early pregnancy. Breasts will probably be tingly and tender.

Nothing new....

So my little preggo life is boring. Symptoms are few and far between. Now that the excitement of telling everyone is over we're just biding our time till the doctor's appointment. We want to wait at least till then to start really "doing" anything like moving the house around for the nursery and all that. I did find an awesome website though - where you can journal your meals to make sure you're getting enough of the important nutrients and keeps you on track for ways to be more healthy during pregnancy. Its pretty cool and reminds me a lot of the Weight Watchers tracking so its second nature to me. Helps to make me feel like I'm not overeating but according to them (and I'm not getting enough calories in. I've been having more to eat during the day and making sure I'm snacking but still I'm at least 200 calories short every day! (They want me to have 2000-2300, I get between 1750-1850). I guess I won't worry about that for now since I'm always on target for my nutrients (calcium, iron, folic acid, protien, etc) and don't feel deprived. In fact I think I had my first craving while grocery shopping Monday. Couldn't go one more day without a grilled cheese sandwich so now I have one every day for lunch. Hopefully all is still well with mini-cave, being so normal makes me nervous. Chris has an uncanny ability to not worry about something unless he knows for a fact that there is something to worry about so I'm trying to be like him.