Wednesday, May 23, 2007


So I've had a few strange dreams recently.

One a week or so ago went like this: We gave birth to twin boys, who came out 3 years old, fully clothed, talking.....we took them home and things got really wierd. Home was a giant house I'd never seen before and the Freiwaldt, Starowski, and Cave families all lived there with about a dozen kids from who-knows-where. That was a wierd but happy dream.

Last night I dreamt that I was working for Conway again in a different building but with all the same people and a few extra of my friends thrown in for fun I guess. It was my first day back after having the baby and I was able to bring him (in my dream it was a boy) to work with me. How great! Till I realized that I didn't even OWN a car seat and had completely forgotten to bring any supplies. No diaper bag, no clothes, no diapers, NOTHING. I had to change his diaper with copy paper and I cried the whole day because I realized that I couldn't leave to go get anything I needed cause I had no car seat and that I was officially a bad mother because there is no other way I could have been that grossly underprepared. I couldn't even work - I just cried everytime I'd look at my poor boy in his makeshift diaper. It was awful.

Lets hope for more of those fun strange dreams and no more I'm-a-bad-Mother dreams.

Fingers crossed.