Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Must be getting close!

I've officially started to waddle. It's ever so attractive. I feel like a penguin.

Today is day one I'm starting to wear waterproof mascara and eyeliner just in case. Have to look good during labor you know!

Monday, June 2, 2008

Puppy time

So yesterday morning Chris and I were being lazy and laying in bed watching TV, apparently our dog felt left out (not allowed on the bed) and went out to his bed in the living room and just howled the most heartbreaking lonely howl ever. So I went out to the living room, scooped him up for some one on one attention and end up in the rocking chair rocking my dog to sleep. It worked, but it was kinda wierd looking down to sleepy puppy eyes and realizing that soon it will be sleepy HUMAN eyes.
At least I know I am a good rocker though!!

Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Nothing fits

So round 1 of maternity clothes is being slowly but surely phased out. I'm wearing my mid-belly jeans and they are rolling down below the belly in front while simultaneously giving me plumber butt out back even with the help of the belly band. Last time I can wear them I guess. :( Feels wierd to have a gut this big. Ha! Glad it is definately not a beer belly though - at least it will go away relatively soon. But until then I am down to about 3 pairs of pants - 2 of which are capris. Chris is loving my new "around the house" look of old cartoon boxers and huge t-shirts that don't match...OH, and unshaven legs since I don't bend in the middle anymore. I'm truely a vision. People have come to the door twice while I'm wearing this get up and I've ignored the bell cause I'm too embarrassed to be seen. Only a few more weeks of this fashion dilemma to endure right? 46 to be exact! Woo hoo!

Tuesday, May 20, 2008

I'm not a fan...

of hot weather. My hands are now swelling. Will I really be one of those preggos who can't wear her wedding ring during the end of her pregnancy??? NOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!

Stupid water retention.

At least no cankles yet......

Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Embarassing Moment

I went grocery shopping after work Monday with my “grocery game” lists and organized piles of coupons all pumped up to save a ton of $$ again. I went to Safeway and all was well, no hitches but I forgot that I had a $10 off coupon so I was a little mad at myself that I didn’t use it but by then it was too late so I just said whatev and continued to Albertson’s where the BEST deals of the week were. And there I began to unravel. First thing, I had the BEST coupon, 6 boxes of cereal for $10. It was a fred meyer coupon but Albertson’s will take competitor’s coupons. Took me forever to find the right cereals in the right sizes and they went into the cart. Then I couldn’t find the sauce I wanted and had to ask for help, then the yogurt that was on sale was not the fat free kind, then I kept getting lost and having to turn around again and again, I was all over the store. So finally I get everything I want – I go the register wait in the busy lines, people come in line behind me, I put my entire cart on the conveyor, organize my coupons for the cashier and realize that somewhere in the store I had LOST the 6 for $10 cereal coupon. I was panicked! Oh no! I wasn’t going to buy 6 boxes of cereal without that kick ass coupon!?!? I searched my purse all the while it’s getting closer and closer to my turn. It was nowhere to be found. And it wasn’t an Albertson’s coupon I could just go grab a flyer for an use…it was one of a kind!! NO!!!! I had to put everything BACK into my cart, have all the people in line behind me move so I could get out so that I could put all the cereal back and figure out what to do. So embarrassing. I was totally THAT person that I hate being behind in line…the retard that can’t figure out what the hell is going on. So I go put all the boxes back on the shelves with people looking at me like – huh…can’t make up your mind eh preggo?? I needed cereal anyways, but nothing I would actually eat was on sale at ALL and I couldn’t see spending $4.50 for a box when I was supposed to be getting them for less than $2 a box….so I thought maybe I’ll have toast instead – go to my Sara Lee Delightful bread and it too is almost $4 so I just get completely fed up and decided I’ll do one lap around the store and try and find my missing awesome coupon. No dice. By now I’ve been at Albertson’s for over a hour. L I had gotten strawberries and angel food cake at Safeway (on sale) which is Chris’ fav and I was going to go home and surprise him with it, but as I was checking out at Albertsons, no cereal, no bread, no sanity left, he called and was on his way home! NO! I wouldn’t get home in time to make the shortcake!! NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I was SO pissed at first. Flew home in a rage at the damn store for eating my coupon. Then Chris got home…and I dissolved into a puddle of tears. I told him the whole story and the sweetie he is he made dinner while I prepped the strawberries so that I could get over it faster and not feel like I was a complete failure. I was seriously hysterical. I finally calmed down and was cutting the strawberries in the sink while Chris needed some water so he comes over and I go to turn the faucet on for him – but I have a knife in my hand and he is also going for the faucet – so I end up stabbing him. NOOOO!!!!! I feel AWFUL so I become hysterical again. Then I pull myself loosely together again (it didn’t even break the skin so he is fine). We go to sit down for dinner and my giant belly bumps the table and my milk goes all over, I become hysterical yet again. I was like that the rest of the night. Poor Chris. He said that I have far fewer meltdowns than most pregnant women as far as he has heard so I’m entitled every now and then….I felt like such an ass though.

But at least today I think the whole thing is hilarious.

Whoa - that was scary!

Well, I had an interesting evening! Went to the doc for my 2 week check up and mentioned that the baby was normally really active during the work day but that I hadn’t felt it move at all yesterday. Not a big deal but she asked so I told her. She normally can pacify me with any explanation but instead she sent me across the hall to the room with the monitors and strapped me in just to check it out. Had me drink some juice and lay on one side and just hang out and they would be able to monitor heartbeat and movement and my uterus for contractions. So after about 10 mins one lady comes in and goes “huh”, checks to make sure I drank the juice and starts tapping my belly to try and get baby to wake up…nothing…she has me lay on the other side….nothing…has me massage my tummy…still nothing….so she leaves me there for another few minutes. Doc comes in and checks out the print out and un-straps me, gives me directions from her office to the birth center for some more comprehensive monitoring and an ultrasound. Baby is not responding to stimulus so they want to do some more monitoring at the hospital and an ultrasound to check out my fluid levels and just make sure everything is ok. All the while heart beat is strong so baby doesn’t seem to be in distress but they need to see what is going on. So I start freaking out a little. I mean, I was kinda passive about lack of movement but my doc is sending me to the hospital!?!? Whoa. So we walk to the birth center and check in - I get a bracelet and all that and they strap me up to more monitors and I’m starting to get downright scared. Finally after about 20 more mins of nothing the nurse brings in this thing that looks like a massager and zaps my belly with vibrations and WHOA baby just about jumped out of my skin. So they were pleased that it responded and that the heartbeat accelerated and they just kept me hooked up to the monitors while we waited for the ultrasound tech…for 3 hours. Lame. But they had to make sure that the baby was just a heavy sleeper and that there wasn’t a bigger problem like low amniotic fluid or something (which I think they have to induce labor if there isn’t enough fluid). So FINALLY the ultrasound tech comes in, she won’t show us anything cause she said “we’re not concerned with those types of things, we need to make sure the important things are ok. I’m sure your baby is very cute.” Whatev. But all is well, no issues baby is just a really heavy sleeper and doesn’t seem too affected by sugar or normal stimulus. Doc says that is nothing to worry about – mellow is just as healthy as hyper. So my quick 15 minute check up ended up taking 5 hours. And if things hadn’t turned out like they did I could have had a baby last freakin night. I’m exhausted.

Thursday, January 31, 2008


Well, it's been 2 weeks since our last appointment. And another 3 weeks till the next one. I've been pretty confident about this pregnancy since we hit week 12 but all of a sudden, I'm scared. I'm at that in-betwen stage the doctor told me about. Barely showing, unable to feel the baby move yet, but the symptoms have all but disappeared. It's scary to feel un-pregnant. I know it is normal to feel this way, she WARNED me about it so it sounds like everyone has this worry but it sure is an unsettling feeling. Let the countdown to the appointment begin. Oh! And, this next appointment we get another ultrasound so that should be fun! Mom and Chris will be there for this one. Mom hasn't seen the baby yet in person so I'm super excited about that. Our last ultrasound right before Christmas, Corrie came with Chris and I which was so cool. I missed out on her pregnancies because I was in NYC so it's really special to be able to share this with her. And we got the results of our screenings last Tuesday and all looks great so I'm really not sure why I'm so ancy! Hopefully I'll keep myself busy enough so that I keep my mind off that ticking clock!

Wednesday, January 9, 2008

2nd Trimester!!

According to my calculations I was done with my 1st trimester at week 12, some places say week 14, so finally by EVERYONE'S count I am in my 2nd trimester!! Woo hoo we made it! I know the risks are still there but they are so much slimmer now I fell totally relaxed and positive about this go 'round. It is true that you start feeling better. Not that I was ever sick (lucky me) but I am much less tired now, able to exist with just 8 hours of sleep and no naps. Unfortunately my sense of smell has drastically increased. I can't handle the smell of the bathroom after someone has brushed their teeth, you know, that hot breath/mint smell. Yuck. And I practically need to sleep in the other room when Chris comes to bed after having ANY alcohol. Even though he brushes and gargles it is just too much for me. Ha! I've started sleeping with a sports bra on as well, they say you get less tender as you go deeper in the second trimester and I can't wait to put this particular symptom behind me.
But all is going great!
Only 6 more months to go!!