Monday, May 7, 2007

Oh yeah

I just ordered a onesie for the baby for Chris that says "My Daddy's Tattoos are cooler than your Daddy's Tattoos". Hee!


We've just been totally BUSTING to tell someone but we knew we wanted our parents to be the first to know. But how to tell them? Unfortunately the drama that we created for Corrie & Jay we can't use now, and we kinda wanted it to be a little more private. Luckily for us we took a photo of the home pregnancy test saying loud and clear in all it's digital glory "pregnant" so we thought it would be cute to give our mom's the pics of the test at a pre-Mother's Day thing at our place. Too bad the test turned out totally blurry in the photos. Luckily I was able to write on them with a fine point sharpie, you can see the words great ni good lighting so we were a go! Also found some #1 Grandma frames to put them in for added impact. And we couldn't forget Grandpa so he got a Grandpa Loves Me bib. Hardest part was we had to get through Rob & Helen's Cinco de Mayo shower without letting anyone know I wasn't drinking cause that would be a dead giveaway. It was no small feat but still easier than we expected. I was made to taste a few drinks so I pretended to sip them, I think I fooled most everyone. Mom was so funny because as Rob & Helen were opening packages she insisted that Chris & my present to them was #7 because of an old wives tale the the 7th gift opened at a baby shower is the next to have a baby. I acted my way through that one as well, poo poing her silliness, calling her an eternal optimist. But MAN did I just want to blurt it out and tell everyone!!! We made it through the night and were really looking forward to the parents coming over Sunday so we could finally get it off our chests. We had to make up and excuse that we were going to be gone for most of Mother's Day so we wanted to do something for them ahead of time. They bought it! Chris worked tirelessly out in the yard all day (I think he's nesting) and started up the BBQ as the soon to be Grandparents (again) came in. We were all out on the back deck for a bit then we ust couldn't take it anymore. We gave our mom's their gifts and instructed to open them together. My mom got hers open first - first she looked puzzled, then shocked, then she screamed "YOUR PREGNANT!" just as you could see Chris' mom figuring out the photo as well and getting this shocked, surprised, excited look. So now our parents and all my neighbor's within earshot know. There were tears and hugs and lots of questions. All in all I think it went really well! We discussed it, and we'll be telling the families on Mother's Day. This should be another tough week keeping our mouths shut!